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Learn about an effective way to switch between multiple HDMI inputs in this latest episode from Commtech Design.
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Commtech is excited to be named one of the Top Law Enforcement Consulting Companies for 2020. Check out the article…
Commtech Design Production Example - Tutorial Video Series: via @YouTube
Be sure to tune into @WGVURadio RIGHT NOW to hear an interview with Bret and how/why he started @CommtechDesign !
Our commitment is to be on the cutting edge of the latest trends in communications, security, and technology design. In addition to constantly learning, we like to share our best practices to help others in the industry.
2014/2015 PResS:
- PR Web - "Commtech Design Selects Infusion Direct Marketing As Its Agency Of Record"
- Commercial Construction & Renovation - "Infusion Direct Selected as PR Agency"
- NY Real Estate Journal - "Commtech Design selects Infusion Direct Marketing as its agency of record"
- Security Info Watch - "What can a security design consultant do for you?"
- Security Today - "Designer Offers 5 Benefits"
Keynotes & Presentations
Commtech Design works diligently to spread the word about the need to integrate technology into the building process. We believe that the design of technology is just as important, if not more important, than the proper design of the electrical and mechanical systems. To educate professionals about the need for good planning and technology design, we present at various conferences around the country. Contact us for more information about scheduling a speaker for your group.
Recent Topics:
- The Latest Technology Trends
- What Every Architect Should Know about Technology
- Pre-Bond Technology and Budgeting Planning for Schools
- Intelligent Building
““Bret is a very detail oriented consultant that is always looking out for the best interest of his customers. I personally enjoy working with Bret knowing that he is going to vet any idea or technology that I present to him, this both challenges me to be my best, but also enables me to learn while presenting to him.
In working with some of Bret’s customers, they have had similar experiences of honesty, great advocacy, and providing great designs at a fair price. If anyone was to ask if they should hire Bret and his business, I would offer a resounding YES!!” ”
““Bret does an outstanding job of access control system design and specification and goes to great lengths to ensure proper coordination between his area and related trades which is crucial for a successful project. He knows his industry very well and is always conscious of his clients needs.” ”